Continuing Professional Development

As an Accredited Member of the CMA you are required to undertake Continuing Professional and Personal Development (CPD). CPD is the systematic maintenance and improvement of the knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical responsibilities. You are likely to already be carrying out CPD through perhaps an appraisal system, or performance review, at work, attending training courses, carrying out distance learning or attending CMA meetings. CPD simply ensures that this development is conducted in a more structured and balanced manner.

CPD could be described as the ‘intentional maintenance and development of the knowledge and skills needed to perform professionally in your work role. This could mean honing current skills, developing them to a new level, or it could mean learning new knowledge or skills that will allow your job role to expand or prepare you for potential promotion or advancement.’ (The CPD Standards Office).

Most professional bodies will have CPD requirements laid out for their members, and the CMA is no different.  Please follow this link to the CMA Continuing Professional and Personal Development documentation, which includes a CPD Record Form for our Accredited Members to use and submit on request.