2 December 2022
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Broadland Country Park,Haveringland Road, Horsford, Norwich, NR10 4DF, East of England
A look at one of Norfolk’s newest greenspaces covering heathland and wet fen, discussions to include habitat management and visitor access.
Broadland District Council purchased what was called Houghen plantation in December 2019, a Project Co-ordinator started in post in August 2020, and at Easter 2021 the site was renamed Broadland Country Park.
On this study day we will take the morning to look at one of Norfolk’s newest greenspaces, our focus will be on our heathland and wet fen compartments. Discussion will cover habitat management and visitor access. In the afternoon we will visit Buxton Heath to see a much more established heathland site and compare/contrast the sites.
Topics: Habitat management with limited staff resource and managing multi-use by dog walkers, horse riders, cyclists and others. Planning for long term financial sustainability.
Buxton Heath, Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT), is one of the best remaining examples of heathland in Norfolk. It is a 67.3h biological SSSI, Nature Conservation Review site (Grade 2) and part of the North Valley Fens Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The NWT Buxton Heath team have kindly offered to lead a guided walk of the site exploring the site’s biodiversity and conservation management.
Light refreshments – tea, coffee, biscuits, cakes, snacks etc, will be provided but please bring a packed lunch and water/drinks.
This event is FREE to CMA Members, non-members £40.
Please note: when booking a free member’s space on Eventbrite you will be asked for your membership number, if you do not have a record of this please contact to obtain your membership number.